The Winter Edition of Bluemail is out now… Read it here!

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26th January 2022

The Winter Edition of Bluemail is out now… Read it here!

Blue Group Overview
News Featured

Some of the highlights include:

☑️ Blue Central appointed Doosan Infracore Europe Dealer
☑️ Powerday Improve their Waste Wood Product with the AK565K
☑️ DOWHIGH LIMITED upgrade to the Powerscreen Warrior 1400X
☑️ Cireco Scotland Install cutting edge DMR MRF from Blue
☑️ The Port of Wisbech Invest in a Fuchs MHL 360F
& much more!

This fully interactive version of BlueMail allows you to head straight to the article you’re interest in by simply clicking the title on the contents page. You can also watch some of the machines in action by clicking on the links within the articles.

Read it here: